General information and statistics concerning the City of Russell Springs, Kentucky.
Russell Springs at a Glance | |
Incorporated | 1936 |
Form of Government | Mayor Council |
Population | 2,569 |
Area | 4.3 square miles |
Time Zone | Central Standard Time |
Area Code | 270 |
Average Annual Temperature | 57.9° (Fahrenheit) |
Average Annual Rainfall | 52.0 inches |
Mean Average Annual Snowfall | 12.0 inches |
Aviation | |
Number of Airports | 1 |
Number of Runways | 1 |
Bonds | |
Moody’s Rating (Bond Rating) | |
Education | |
Russell Springs Elementary School | |
Russell County Middle School | |
Russell County High School | |
Russell County Vocational School | |
Kentucky Community & Technical College Systems | |
Media | |
Radio Stations | 2 |
Television Stations | 1 |
Cable television | Duo-Broadband |
Newspaper | The Times Journal
Lake Cumberland Current |
Public Safety | |
Fire Department | |
Firefighters | 20 |
Fire Stations | 1 |
Police Department | |
Police Officers | 10 sworn officers, |
Police Stations | 1 |
Recreation and Culture | |
Number of Parks | 2 |
Total Acres Maintained | 80 |
Playgrounds | 2 |
Community Centers | 1 |
Municipal Swimming Pools | 1 |
Retail Businesses | 1 |
Streets | |
Miles of City Streets | 25 |
Miles of Sidewalk | 4 |
Number of Traffic Signals | 6 |
Taxes and Withholdings | |
Kentucky State Sales Tax | 6.0% |
City Occupational Withholding | 1.00% |
Real Estate Property Tax | .00166 |
Personal Property Tax | .00166 |
Utilities | |
Number of Water Customers | 4,500 |
Miles of Water Mains | 550 |
Water Capacity | 1.3 million gal/day |